Zakład Fizycznych Właściwości Materiałów Roślinnych
Lp. autorzy tytuł czasopismo
- Sykut J., Molenda M., Horabik J.: DEM simulation of the packing structure and wall load in a 2-dimensional silo. (2008 r.) Granular Matter 2008, Vol. 10, 273-278
- Tys J., Skiba K., Jackowska I., Strobel W.: Oil Quality Indices Describing the Technological Value of Rape Seed. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 302-307
- Podleśny J., Strobel W., Kotlarz A.: Effect of Sowing Date on the Yield and Chemical Composition of Seeds of Various Genotypes of Yellow Lupine. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 263-270
- Bojanowska M., Czerwiński J., Tys J.: PAH in Vegetable Fats. (2008 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2008, Vol. 17, 207-212
- Stasiak M., Opaliński I., Molenda M.: Masowe i mikroskopowe właściwości sypkich materiałów roślinnych i przemysłowych. Cz. I. Porównanie właściwości mechanicznych. (2008 r.) Przemysł Chemiczny 2008, 87/2, 199-202
- Opaliński I., Chutkowski M., Stasiak M.: Masowe i mikroskopowe właściwości sypkich materiałów roślinnych i przemysłowych. Cz. II. Oddziaływania adhezyjne w materiałach roślinnych - wstępne wyniki badań. (2008 r.) Przemysł Chemiczny 2008, 87/2, 2-5
- Stasiak M., Molenda M., Horabik J.: Determination of modulus of elasticity of cereals and rapeseeds using acoustic method (2007 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 82(2007), 51-57
- Molenda M., Montross M., Horabik J.: Non-Axial Stress State in a Model Silo Generated by Eccentric Filling and Internal Inserts (2007 r.) Particle&Particle Systems Characterization 2007, 24, 291-295
- Jackowska I., Tys J.: Factors Determining the Usefulness of Rapeseed In the Production of Biofuels. (2007 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 76-79
- Skiba K., Tys J., Jackowska I., Bojanowska M.: Effect of Controlled Storage Sonditions on Nutritional Value of Rapessed Oil Cake as a by_product In the Production of Bio-Diesel fuel. (2007 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 238-242
- Tys J., Jackowska I., Skiba K.: Low Temperatures of Storage Berus Quality Features of Rapeseed. (2007 r.) Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2007, 299-302
- Fornal J., Jeliński T., Sadowska J., Grundas S., Nawrot J., Niewiada A., Warchalewski J., Błaszczak W.: Detection of granary weevil Sitophilus granarius (L.) eggs and internal stages In wheat grain Rusing soft X-ray and image analysis (2007 r.) Journal of Stored Products Research 2007, 43:142-148
- Sujak A., Kotlarz A., Strobel W.: Compositional and nutritional evaluation of several lupin seeds. (2006 r.) Food Chemistry 2006, 98, 711-719
- Molenda M., Montross M., Thompson S., Horabik J.: Vertical loads due to wheat on obstructions located on the floor of a model bin. (2006 r.) Transactions of the ASABE 2006, 49(6): 1855-1865
- Molenda M., Montross M., McNeill S., Horabik J.: Airflow resistance of seeds at different bulk densities using Ergun\'s equation. (2005 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2005, 48, 3, 1137-1145
- Molenda M., Horabik J.: On applicability of a direct shear test fo strength estimation of cereal grain (2004 r.) Particle&Particle Systems Characterization 2004, Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 21, 310-315
- Molenda M., Horabik J., Ross I., Montross M.: Friction of wheat: grain-on-grain and on corrugated steel. (2002 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2002, 45(2), 415-420
- Molenda M., Horabik J., Thompson S., Ross I.: Bin loads induced by eccentric filling and discharge of grain. (2002 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2002, 45(3), 781-785
- Molenda M., Montross M., Horabik J., Ross I.: Mechanical properties of corn and soybean meal. (2002 r.) Transactions of the ASAE 2002, 45(6), 1929-1936
- Molenda M., Thompson S., Ross I.: Friction of wheat on corrugated and smooth galvanized steel surfaces. (2000 r.) Journal Agric. Eng. Res. 2000, 77, 2, 209-219