Agnieszka Wójtowicz



Ord title authors publishing
  1. Effect of natural fibres on the mechanical properties of thermoplastic starch T. Oniszczuk, A. Wójtowicz, L. Mościcki, M. Mitrus, K. Kupryaniuk, A. Kusz, G. Bartnik International Agrophysics 2016, 30, 2, 211-218
  2. Moisture sorption characteristics of extrusion-cooked starch protective loose-fill cushioning foams M. Combrzyński, L. Mościcki, A. Kwaśniewska, T. Oniszczuk, A. Wójtowicz, B. Sołowiej, B. Gładyszewska, S. Muszyński International Agrophysics 2017, 31, 4, 457-463
  3. Durum wheat bread: flow diagram and quality characteristics of traditional Algerian bread Khobz Eddar Hayat Bourekoua, Fairouz Djeghim, Leila Benatallah, Mohammed Nasreddine Zidoune, Agnieszka Wójtowicz, Grzegorz Łysiak, Renata Różyło Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2017, 24, 3, 405-417
  4. Effect of processing conditions and concentration of water and milk suspensions on the dynamic viscosity of corn-cranberry gluten-free instant gruels Magdalena Kręcisz, Agnieszka Wójtowicz Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2018, 25, 2, 227-238