Publications in year 2012

Vol. 19, Issue 4

Influence of unit pressure exerted on soil on quality of renewal of chosen species of trees

International Agrophysics
Year : 2012
Volumen : 19
Issue : 1
Pages : 51 - 63
  PDF 383.95 KB
Authors: Mariusz Kormanek1, Jacek Banach2

1Department of Forest Works Mechanisation, Agricultural University in Krakow Al. 29 listopada 46, 31-423 Kraków
2Department of Genetics, Seed Management and Forest Nursery, Agricultural University in Krakow Al. 29 listopada 46, 31-423 Kraków
Abstract :

The work presents the results of research relating to the influence of the unit pressure exerted on the soil, on growth and quality of seedlings of Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris, L. European beech Fagus sylvatica L.and pedunculate oak Quercus robur L.grown in experimental conditions of the forest stand. The unit pressure in the experiment was applied with the use of a prototype tractor device for controlled exerting of pressure on the soil. Investigations were executed in the “Kłaj” forest nursery, Niepołomice Forest District. The series of plots of the ground was prepared on two experimental surfaces for every species, applying the unit pressures of various values (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kPa) and control plots of the ground (without the pressure). Seeds of three analysed species were sowed on plots of the ground. Grown seedlings were dug up after 7 months and transported to the laboratory, where the parameters of plants were measured, such as diameter in the root neck, the length of the aboveground and underground part, dry matter weight. Measured values were than analysed in the Statistica program. Results show that the value of the applied unit pressure exerted on the soil influenced the parameters of seedlings of analysed species. The values of a majority of the parameters of seedlings diminished with the growth of pressure for pedunculate oak and Scotch pine,while for European beech the analysed parameters increased, which suggests the possibility that this species prefers more compact soil during renewing. Grown seedlings on control plots were characterised with largest average values of the parameters tested, with the exception of the European beech.

Keywords : unit pressure, parameters of seedlings, quality, pine, oak, beech
Language : Polish