Publications in year 2014
Vol. 28, Issue 4
Mechanical properties of potato starch modified by moisture content
and addition of lubricant
Pages: 501-509 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0040 Authors: M. Stasiak, M. Molenda, J. Horabik, P. Mueller, I. Opaliński -
Application of adsorption methods to determine the effect of pH and Cu-stress on the changes in the surface properties of the roots
Pages: 511-520 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0041 Authors: A. Szatanik-Kloc -
Estimation of antioxidant components of tomato using VIS-NIR reflectance data by handheld portable spectrometer
Pages: 521-527 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0042 Authors: P. Szuvandzsiev, L. Helyes, A. Lugasi, C. Szántó, P. Baranowski, Z. Pék -
Water conductivity of arctic zone soils (Spitsbergen)
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Pages: 529-535 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0043 Authors: B. Witkowska-Walczak, C. Sławiński, P. Bartmiński, J. Melke, J. Cymerman -
Simultaneous monitoring of electrical capacitance and water uptake activity of plant root system
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Pages: 537-541 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0044 Authors: I. Cseresnyés, T. Takács, A. Füzy, K. Rajkai -
Compression loading behaviour of sunflower seeds and kernels
Pages: 543-548 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0045 Authors: T. Selvam, M. Manikantan, T. Chand, R. Sharma, T. Seerangurayar -
Erratum to: Modelling and analysis of compressive strength properties
of parboiled paddy and milled rice
Pages: 549-549 DOI: 10.2478/intag-2014-0046 Authors: A. Nasirahmadi, M. Abbaspour-Fard, B. Emadi, N. Khazaei