J. Recio
No. authors title periodic- Ruiz-Ramos M., Ferrise R., Rodríguez A., Lorite I., Tao F., Pirttioja N., Fronzek S., Palosuo T., Carter T., Bindii M., Höhn J., Kersebaum K., Trnka M., Hoffmann H., Baranowski P., Buis S., Cammarano D., Deligios P., Havlinka P., Minet J., Montesino M., Porter J., Recio J., Ruget F., Sanz A., Steinmetz Z., Stratonovitch P., Supit I., Ventrella D., de Wit A., Rötter R.: An ensemble of projections of wheat adaptation to climate change in europe analyzed with impact response surfaces (2016 r.) iCropM2016 International Crop Modelling Symposium "Crop Modelling for Agriculture and Food Security under Global Change". Berlin, Niemcy, 15-17.03.2016 r. 2016,
- Ruiz-Ramos M., Ferrise R., Rodríguez A., Lorite I., Tao F., Pirttioja N., Fronzek S., Palosuo T., Carter T., Bindii M., Höhn J., Kersebaum K., Trnka M., Hoffmann H., Baranowski P., Buis S., Cammarano D., Chen Y., Deligios P., Havlinka P., Jurecka F., Krzyszczak J., Lana M., Minet J., Montesino M., Nendel C., Porter J., Recio J., Ruget F., Sanz A., Steinmetz Z., Stratonovitch P., Supit I., Ventrella D., de Wit A., Rötter R.: Adaptation response surfaces from an ensemble of wheat projections under climate change in Europe (2016 r.) European Geosciences Union General Assembly, (EGU), 2016 Wiedeń. Austria, 17-22.04.2016 r. 2016,