Professor DSc Zofia Stępniewska
Environmental Protection Institute, Catholic University of Lublin, Kraoenicka 102, 20-551 Lublin, Poland
- Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Al. Kraśnicka 102, 20-718 Lublin, Poland
- Environmental Protection Institute, Catholic University of Lublin, Kraśnicka 102, 20-551 Lublin, Poland
- Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Konstantynów 1I, 20-708 Lublin, Poland
Ord title authors publishing- Effect of light intensity introduced through optical fibres on soil redox status and gases evolution Zofia Stępniewska, Ewelina Tokarz: Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2012, 19, 1, 171-179
- Methanotrophs responsible for methane oxidation in natural peats from Polesie Lubelskie Region Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Zofia Stępniewska, Agnieszka Wołoszyn, Jakub Ciepielski: Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2012, 19, 1, 181-193
- Phytoremediation as a promising technology for water and soil purification: Azolla caroliniana Willd. As a case study Artur Marek Banach, Katarzyna Banach, Zofia Stępniewska: Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2012, 19, 2, 241-252
- The change of root morphology of Plantago lanceolata under hypoxia conditions Katarzyna Banach, Eric J.W. Visser, Zofia Stępniewska, Artur Marek Banach: Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2012, 19, 2, 253-263
- pmoA based detection of methanotrophic bacteria in coal-bed rocks of the Lublin coal basin Anna Pytlak, Agnieszka Kuźniar, Zofia Stępniewska: Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2012, 19, 2, 403-413
- Interrelations between DNA concentration and physicochemical parameters in the loess soil profile Agnieszka Wolińska, Zofia Stępniewska, Agnieszka Wołoszyn, Miriam Rzewuska: Acta Agrophysica [Acta Agroph.] 2012, 19, 2, 437-448
- Stress responses of spring rape plants to soil flooding T. Balakhnina, R. Bennicelli, Z. Stępniewska, W. Stępniewski, A. Borkowska, I. Fomina: International Agrophysics 2012, 26, 4, 347-353
- Effect of soil moisture and temperature on N2O and CO2 concentrations in soil irrigated with purified wastewater M. Nosalewicz, Z. Stępniewska, A. Nosalewicz: International Agrophysics 2013, 27, 3, 299-304