
In the Centre of Research & Innovation seven laboratories and two classrooms will function:

Laboratory of Extrusion

One of the major problems associated with the biogas production is the formation of large amounts of sludge digestate. Apart from to well-known methods of dealing with sludge  researchers from Institute Agrophysics will seek for new methods of waste management including extrusion. Extrusion is the process of heat treatment of the material (up to 200 ° C) and pressure (200 atm.). Sludge digestate contains mainly inorganic compounds, raw organic residues and bacteria. It is assumed that the extrusion material will be sterilized and change into extrudates (pellets). The physico-chemical properties of the resulting products additives of micro-and macro-fertilizer will be determined. Additionaly, it will be selected organisms to enhance the soils quality. One of the results will be the optimatization of the extrusion process to formed pellets with suitable campressibility, mechanical strength and proper porosity. The material will be tested before and after the treatment process to determine content of certain minerals and biological ingredents. Research carried out in the Laboratory of Extrusion will be oneof the three strands of research field of the Institute: to protect the environment as part of sustainable use of sludge digestate. 

Laboratory of Energetic Biomass

The search for new sources of renewable energy in the laboratory research will be conducted on the development of technologies for capturing mustard oil-straw in the field as biomass energy. Implementation of research results would rise to a new direction with a new crop of mustard its energy economic use. There would be the possibility of using agricultural land for purposes not connected with food production. Easy to implement the proposed solution to the practice can base it on the existing crop technologies, briquetting and pelleting and burned materials, and innovation is the extension of them to be used as a new material oli-straw of energy.

Laboratory of Functional Food

A pilot innovation-production-technology line will be launched at the Laboratory; it will be based on modern solutions facilitating production of consumable salad rapeseed oil with high natural health-promoting properties. Valuable compounds, i.e. carotenoids, tocopherols, and sterols, will be retained in the oil. Application of modern research methods will contribute to elimination of the impact of such factors as light, high temperature, and oxygen from the production process, which will ensure an original and unaltered composition of fatty acids in the oil, a quality that is desirable from a consumers’ point of view.

Laboratory of Growth and Culture of Algae

The Laboratory will focus on development of technologies for the most effective and rapid growth of algae on a “semi-industrial” scale. Biomass produced will be used for biogas production based on methane fermentation. The scope of the Laboratory research will include:

Laboratory of Plant Growth and Adaptation to Environmental Conditions

Studies in the laboratory are related to plant growth adaptation to various environmental conditions, particularly to:

Measurements will be conducted in soil, hydroponic and aeroponic systems. The methodology will allow for precise control of root and shoot growth conditions such as soil moisture, composition, acidity and aeration of nutrient solutions, temperature and photoperiod. Hydroponic and aeroponic systems of plant cultivation will allow for non destructive collection of root material for further studies.

Laboratory of Soil Erosion

Laboratory provides studies of water erosion processes and evaluation of effective use of various type of soil amendments to prevent erosion. The studies comprise on:

The problems concern not only the scientific purposes, but also an application of research in practice with the aim to maintain soil and water quality and prevent erosion in agricultural land and local infrastructure.


Laboratory of Microbiology and Biochemistry

The work in the Laboratory will be focused on:

The implementation of these tasks will provide better understanding of processes occurring in the soil-plant-atmosphere system and create the possibility to develop recommendations and guidelines for sustainable agriculture, food storage and production and to improve the quality of plant feedstock used in energy production. Particular attention will be paid to improving the safety, quality and production efficiency accompanied by minimization of the adverse environmental impact.

Unit of Nanomaterials Structure and Properties

Research and development of the laboratory will concern on structure and physical properties of nanomaterials which are key parameters of their textural, sorptive and catalytic properties.





Unit of Material Preparation

The classroom will be equipped with a universal devices for comprehensive preparation of the material used in laboratories of  the Centre of Research & Innovations in researches connected with biomass production for alternative energy, as well as  in terms of the safe production, high quality food, and in the study of the widely understood natural environment.