Project "A pilot line for production of rapeseed oil with unique health-promoting properties"
Project leader: prof. Jerzy Tys
No. WND-POIG.01.03.01-06-030/09 Duration: 2010-2014
The venture comprises the entire process in terms of development of technology of rapeseed cultivation that would meet environmental standards and incorporate principles of Good Agricultural Practice, through implementation of cultivation of such rapeseed varieties, to production of oil with unique health-promoting properties.
Tys J. 2010. Method of production of salad rapeseed oil (in Polish). Patent No. 208504
Project: Elaboration of method of production and use of mustard oil for wood-cutting chain saw lubrication
Program: Technological initiative 1
Project leader: dr eng Tadeusz Rudko
No. PBR 12633 Duration: 2007-2010
Technology of production of oil-ester lubricant from mustard oil that cannot be used in food market was elaborated. Thanks to the technology of incomplete esterification elaborated in IA PAS oil containing high amount of esters was produced that has good lubrication properties and is easy biodegradable – environment friendly.
Siarkowski K., Rudko T. 2011. Method of production of technical biodegradable oil of mustard seeds (in Polish). Patent No. 210539
Energetic use of white mustard
The method was elaborated for production of biomass fuel of white mustard. Biomass (oil-straw) is composed of dried plants with seeds. Mustard seeds contain approximately 30% of oil that results in higher energetic value of oil-straw (17.4 MJ/kg) compared to other plant raw materials.
Rudko T. 2011. Method of production of fuel biomass (in Polish). Patent No. 208790
Starch formula decreasing cracking of pods and scattering off rapeseeds
Starch formula was elaborated to impregnate pods of leguminous plants to decrease their cracking. Starch is an environment friendly substance very common in plant seeds. Water solutions of starch form sticky gums useful for impregnation or gluing. Spraying of rapeseed with proper starch formula reduce susceptibility of pods to cracking and decrease yield losses of seeds.
Rudko T. 2007. Starch formula for reducing cracking of pods of of leguminous plants and rapeseed siliques and the mean of preparing spraying solution (in Polish). Patent No. 196394.