Centre of Excellence AGROPHYSICS

Centre of Excellence

In 2003, after a positive evaluation of the contest application, the Institute of Agrophysics obtained status of an European

"Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture"
- acronym AGROPHYSICS.

Project Number and FP 5 Action
No QLAM-2001-00428
Centres of Excellence are units conducting scientific research, developing modern technologies in accordance with international standards and using the research facilities of co-operating institutions for joint projects. The status of the Centre of Excellence allows the Institute to receive funds from the European Union and the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research to support the innovative activities of the Institute, promotion of its research, and further development of technologies and products both domestically and abroad.

Research Focus of the Centre:
  • physical, physico-chemical and biological processes of mass and energy transportation in the soil-plant-atmosphere system;
  • physical properties of agricultural materials and the processes influencing plant production and
  • processes related to the harvesting, transportation and storage of agricultural products.
The overall research and educational objectives of the Centre will involve:
  • studies on various aspects of the sustainable development of agricultural areas and the effective use of agricultural-food products - this part of the study is financed by the budget of the Institute of Agrophysics,
  • support activities: organization of research workshops, conferences, summer schools, lectures;
  • international co-operation: promotion of the Centre abroad and establishing good working relationships with similar research institutions
Tasks of the Centre are achieved by means of 12 thematic Work Packages.


Director of the Centre of Excellence:

Professor Ryszard Walczak, corresp. Member of PAS


dr Andrzej Stępniewski