Publications in year 2017

Vol. 24, Issue 4

Effect of electromagnetic stimulation on sowing value of white clover seeds of two varieties

International Agrophysics
Year : 2017
Volumen : 24
Issue : 1
Pages : 29 - 40
  PDF 287.66 KB
Authors: Marek Ćwintal1, Agata Dziwulska-Hunek2, Anna Przybylska1

1Department of Agrometeorology, University of Life Sciences ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
2Department of Physics, University of Life Sciences, ul. Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Abstract :

Seeds of white clover varieties Barda and Cyma were irradiated with He-Ne laser beam, alternating magnetic field, and the combination of laser light and magnetic field. In laboratory tests the following were determined: germination energy and capacity, percentage of seeds germinating normally and abnormally, hard seeds, and percentage of seeds infected with pathogenic fungi. The germination process was performed according to ISTA (2009) and Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Dz. U. of 28.01.2013). Seeds of Barda variety were characterised by a significantly lower energy germination and contained significantly more hard seeds and less seeds germinating normally and abnormally compared to the Cyma variety. Electromagnetic stimulation in the L+P treatment significantly increased the share of seeds germinating normally in Barda variety and decreased the percentage of seeds germinating abnormally in both varieties.

Keywords : white clover, seeds, varieties, electromagnetic stimulation
Language : polish