ARCHIWUM - 2014_eng

Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 1 :


Head of Topic:

prof. dr hab. Cezary SŁAWIŃSKI


1. The study of the physical properties and transport processes in porous media. (K) (2012 - ...)

C. Sławiński, B. Witkowska-Walczak, K. Lamorski, J. Krzyszczak, T. Pastuszka-SD, M. Hajnos, G. Józefaciuk, J. Lipiec, A. Bieganowski

2. Evaluation of soil moisture from satellite and ground-based measurements. (K) (2009 - ...)

B. Usowicz, M. Łukowski, Z. Sokołowska, M. Hajnos, J. Lipiec

3. Application of thermography and hyperspectral techniques for the study on the properties and quality evaluation of biological materials. (K) (2010 - ...)

P. Baranowski, W. Mazurek, C. Sławiński, G. Józefaciuk, J. Woźniak-SD

4. Study on hydrophysical properties of modificated soils by waste materials. (K) (2011 - 2014)

C. Sławiński, B. Witkowska-Walczak, K. Lamorski, T. Pastuszka-SD


* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. prof. dr hab. Cezary Sławiński
  2. prof. dr hab. Barbara Witkowska-Walczak
  3. prof. dr hab. Bogusław Usowicz
  4. dr hab. Piotr Baranowski, prof. IA PAN
  5. dr Krzysztof Lamorski    
  6. dr Mateusz Łukowski
  7. dr Wojciech Mazurek


Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. dr Jaromir  Krzyszczak (from 01.01.2013)


PhD Students:

  1. mgr Tomasz Pastuszka-SD
  2. mgr Joanna Pastuszka-Woźniak-SD



  1. prof. dr hab. Zofia Sokołowska
  2. dr hab. Andrzej Bieganowski, prof. IA PAN
  3. prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Józefaciuk
  4. prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Hajnos
  5. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lipiec


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 2 :


Head of Topic:
dr hab. Artur ZDUNEK, prof. IA PAN

1. Molecular modeling of enforced structural changes of galacturonic acid molecules cross-linked with calcium. (N) (2014-2014)

J. Cybulska, A. Kozioł-SD, B. Kruk, A. Zdunek

2. Analysis of re-synthesis of cell wall from plant protoplasts. (N) (2014-2014)

A. Kurenda, K. Konstankiewicz,  B. Kruk, A. Zdunek

3. Investigation of water stability of artificial soil aggregates. (N) (2014-2014)

H. Czachor, G. Józefaciuk

4. Analysis of spatial distribution of biochemical composition of plant cell walls with Raman microspectroscopy. (K) (2013-2015)

M. Szymańska-Chargot, M. Chylińska-SD, B. Kruk, A. Adamiak-SD, A. Zdunek

5. Single plant cell mechanics. (K) (2012-2015)
A. Zdunek, A. Kurenda, J. Cybulska, P. Pieczywek, B. Kruk, J. Mierczyńska-SD

* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014

Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. dr hab. Artur Zdunek, prof. IA PAN
  2. prof. dr hab. Krystyna Konstankiewicz
  3. dr hab. Henryk Czachor, prof. IA PAN
  4. dr inż. Justyna Cybulska
  5. dr Andrzej Kurenda
  6. dr Monika Szymańska-Chargot
  7. mgr  Beata Kruk
  8. mgr Piotr Pieczywek (contract for a specific task from 31.03.2014)

 PhD Students:

  1. mgr Anna Adamiak-SD
  2. mgr  Arkadiusz Kozioł-SD
  3. mgr  Monika Chylińska-SD
  4. mgr inż.  Joanna Mierczyńska-SD
  5. mgr Edyta Chruściel-SD


  1. prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Józefaciuk


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 3 :


Head of Topic:
dr hab. Andrzej BIEGANOWSKI, prof. IA PAN
1.Analysis of the dependence of the size of soil particles transferred by splash on the energy of the falling droplet in different humidity conditions. (K) (2013-2014)
M. Ryżak, A. Sochan-SD, A. Bieganowski, C. Sławiński, K. Lamorski
2. Characteristics of the surfactant/plant bioactive compounds system with the use of the DLS and LDE methods. (K) (2013-2014)
J. Cieśla, M. Koczańska-SD, A. Bieganowski, A. Nawrocka

3. Emission and absorption of nitric oxide (I) in biocarbon-enriched mineral soils in different humidity conditions. (N) (2014-2014)

M. Brzezińska, T. Włodarczyk, U. Majewska, P. Szarlip, J. Gliński, A. Borkowska, A. Waśko, W. Kozieł-SD, A. Walkiewicz-SD, P. Bulak-SD, K. Jaromin-Gleń-SD, W. Stelmach-SD, J. Kuna-SD, A. Błachowicz-SD, B. Usowicz, J. Lipiec

* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. dr hab. Andrzej Bieganowski, prof. IA PAN – 9 months
  2. prof. dr hab. dr h.c. Jan Gliński
  3. prof. dr hab. Teresa Włodarczyk
  4. dr hab. Małgorzata Brzezińska, prof. IA PAN
  5. dr Aneta Borkowska
  6. dr Jolanta Cieśla
  7. dr Magdalena Ryżak
  8. dr Paweł Szarlip


Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. dr Andrzej Trembaczowski (1/2 time 01.08.2013- 31.12.2014)
  2. dr hab. Waldemar Maksymiec (1/2 time 01.101.2013-31.12.2014)
  3. dr inż. Tomasz Korbiel (1/2 time 01.12.2013-31.12.2014)
  4. dr Adam Waśko (1/2 time 01.02.2014-31.12.2014)


PhD Students:

  1. mgr Piotr Bulak - SD
  2. mgr Wojciech Kozieł - SD
  3. mgr Magdalena Koczańska-SD
  4. mgr inż. Agata Sochan - SD
  5. mgr Anna Walkiewicz - SD
  6. mgr inż. Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń-SD
  7. mgr Wioleta Stelmach-SD
  8. mgr Adriana Błachowicz-SD
  9. mgr inż. Jan Kuna-SD



  1. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lipiec
  2. prof. dr hab. Bogusław Usowicz
  3. dr Krzysztof Lamorski
  4. dr  Agnieszka Nawrocka


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 4 :



Head of Topic:
prof. dr hab. Jerzy LIPIEC
1. Effect of soil compaction on growth and physico-chemical properties of roots of selected cereal plants (growth chamber experiment). (N) (2014-2016)
A. Siczek, A. Szatanik-Kloc, J. Lipiec, A. Nosalewicz. M. Frąc

2. Characteristics of the plant responses and adaptation to drought conditions. (K) (2013-2015)

A. Nosalewicz, J. Lipiec, M. Nosalewicz, K. Kondracka-SD

3. Determination of the effect of erosion on the spatio-temporal evolution of soil properties in loess areas. (K) (2011-2016)

J. Rejman, A. Rafalska-Przysucha, M. Turski

4. Effect of management on physical and biological properties of the soil. (K) (2011-2014)

M. Turski, M. Brzezińska, J. Lipiec, B. Usowicz, M. Hajnos, A. Król

* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014

Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lipiec – 10 months
  2. dr hab. Jerzy Rejman, prof. IA PAN
  3. dr hab. Magdalena Frąc, prof. IA PAN – 2 months
  4. dr Artur Nosalewicz
  5. dr Anna Siczek – 9 months
  6. dr Marcin Turski
  7. dr Anna Król

 Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. mgr Anna Rafalska-Przysucha (from 19.08.2013)

PhD Students:

  1. mgr K. Kondracka - SD


  1. prof. dr hab. Bogusław Usowicz
  2. prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Hajnos
  3. dr hab.  Alicja Szatanik-Kloc, prof. IA PAN
  4. dr hab. Małgorzata Brzezińska, prof. IA PAN
  5. dr Magdalena Nosalewicz



Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 5 :



Head of Topic:
prof. dr hab. Zofia SOKOŁOWSKA

1. The influence of the soil solid phase composition on the sorption equilibrium and surface properties of soils and plants. (K) (2012-...)

Z. Sokołowska, G. Bowanko, P. Boguta, K. Skic-SD, M. Brzezińska, B. Usowicz, M. Cybulak-SD

2. The asessment of the pore structure of geo- and biomaterials by porosimetry analysis. (K) (2012-...)

M. Hajnos, G. Józefaciuk

3. Interactions between soil organic compounds and selected metal ions as indicators of the environmental risk. (K) (2014-...)

P. Boguta, Z. Sokołowska

4. The influence of abiotic stresses on physicochemical properties of plants. (K) (2012-...)

A. Szatanik-Kloc, G. Józefaciuk, M. Łukowska-SD,  J. Szerement-SD, A. Ambrożewicz-Nita-SD


* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. prof. dr hab. Zofia Sokołowska
  2. prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Hajnos
  3. prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Józefaciuk
  4. dr hab. Alicja Szatanik-Kloc, prof. IA PAN
  5. dr Grzegorz Bowanko
  6. mgr Patrycja Boguta


PhD Students:

  1. mgr Kamil Skic - SD
  2. mgr Justyna Szerement – SD
  3. mgr  Małgorzata Łukowska – SD
  4. mgr Marta Cybulak-SD
  5. mgr inż. Anna Ambrożewicz-Nita-SD



  1. prof. dr hab. Bogusław Usowicz
  2. dr hab. Małgorzata Brzezińska, prof. IA PAN


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 6 :



Head of Topic:
dr Agnieszka NAWROCKA

1. Studying of interactions between gluten proteins and dietary fibres by using spectroscopic methods. (N) (2014-2016)

M. Szymańska-Chargot, A. Nawrocka, R. Kowalski

2. Experimental studies and modelling of adverse physical phenomena occurring during the grain storage. (N) (2014-2016)

J. Tys. T. Rudko, R. Kobyłka, R. Rusinek
3. Determination of quality of oils obtained from fruit pips used to juice production. (N) (2014-2016)
J. Tys, D. Wiącek

4. Determination of the effect of dietary fibres on structure and rheological properties of bread dough. (K) (2013-2015)

A. Miś, A. Nawrocka, R. Kowalski

5. Methodological aspects of measurement of parameters accompanying the dough expansion. (K) (2012-2014)

S. Grundas, A. Miś


* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. dr  Agnieszka Nawrocka
  2. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Tys – 4 months
  3. prof. dr hab. Stanisław Grundas
  4. dr hab. Antoni Miś, prof. IA PAN
  5. dr Tadeusz Rudko
  6. dr Robert Rusinek


Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. dr hab. Radosław Kowalski (5/8 time 01.12.2013-31.12.2014)


  1. dr Monika Szymańska-Chargot
  2. dr Rafał Kobyłka
  3. dr  Dariusz Wiącek


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 7 :


Head of Topic:
prof. dr hab. Marek MOLENDA

1. Mechanical characteristics of food powders. (K) (2013-...)

J. Horabik, M. Molenda, M. Stasiak, R. Kobyłka, M. Bańda

2. Modelling interactions in inter-granular contacts. (K) (2007-...)

J. Horabik, M. Molenda, P. Parafiniuk, R. Kobyłka

3. Influence of mechanical interactions between particles on properties of granular assembly. (N) (2013-...)

J. Horabik, M. Molenda, J. Wiącek, R. Kobyłka

* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. prof. dr hab. Marek Molenda – 9 months
  2. prof. dr hab. Józef Horabik – 9 months
  3. dr inż. Mateusz Stasiak – 9 months
  4. dr Piotr Parafiniuk
  5. dr Joanna Wiącek
  6. dr Rafał Kobyłka
  7. mgr  Maciej Bańda


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 9 :



Head of Topic:
prof. dr hab. Jerzy TYS

1. Energetic properties of algae biomass. (K) (2010-...)

E. Kwietniewska-SD, I. Krzemińska, A. Piasecka-SD, D. Wiącek, W. Strobel, B. Dobrzański, J. Tys

2. Optimization of cultivation conditions of micro algae in relation to quantity and quality of biomass. (K) (2013-...)

I. Krzemińska, E. Kwietniewska-SD,  A. Piasecka-SD, J. Tys, W. Gruszecki

3. Composition examinations of different mixtures of substrates, on the biogas yield with high content of methane. (K) (2013-...)

A. Kasprzycka, E. Paprota-SD, A. Król-SD, M. Oleszek-SD, J. Tys

4. The determination of the physical properties of biomass for energy purposes. (K) (2013-...)

M. Molenda, J. Horabik, M. Stasiak

5. The assessments of  the post-fermentation sludge impact on the functional and genetic diversity of soil microbial communities. (K) (2013-...)

M. Frąc, A. Kot-SD, J. Lipiec

6. Develop the method  to determine the methanogenic potential of small volumes biomass. (K) (2013-...)

J. Kuna-SD, A. Kasprzycka, A. Bieganowski

7. Comparison of the pre-treatment methods of substrates, used in biogas production. (N) (2013-...)

A. Kasprzycka, J. Lalak-SD, E. Paprota, J. Tys

8. The impact of some agronomic and technological factors, on the quality of silage and biogas yield. (N) (2014-2014)

A. Król-SD, M. Oleszek-SD


* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Tys – 8 months
  2. prof. dr hab. Bohdan Dobrzański
  3. prof. dr hab. Józef Horabik – 3 months
  4. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lipiec – 1 month
  5. prof. dr hab. Marek Molenda – 3 miesiące
  6. dr hab. Andrzej Bieganowski, prof. IA PAN – 3 months
  7. dr hab. Magdalena Frąc, prof. IA PAN – 2 months
  8. dr Mateusz Stasiak – 3 months
  9. dr Dariusz Wiącek – Opiekun Laboratorium


Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. prof. dr hab. Wiesław Gruszecki (1/2 time 01.12.2013- 31.12.2014)
  2. dr Izabela Krzemińska (from 01.05.2013)


PhD Students:

  1. mgr Justyna Lalak - SD
  2. mgr Aleksandra Król – SD
  3. mgr Ewa Kwietniewska - SD
  4. mgr Marta Oleszek - SD
  5. mgr Ewelina Paprota - SD
  6. mgr Jan Kuna - SD
  7. mgr Anna Kot - SD
  8. mgr Agata Piasecka - SD


  1. dr Agnieszka Kasprzycka
  2. dr Wacław Strobel


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 10 :



Head of Topic:
dr hab. Magdalena FRĄC

1. Diagnostics of selected fungal pathogens of wheat by the PCR and traditional methods, including their metabolic potential and chemical sensitivity. (N) (2014-2016)

M. Frąc, J. Lipiec, N. Kotowicz-SD, S. Jezierska-Tys

2. The influence of EM-Farming Technology on soil microbial activity under hops production. (K) (2013-2014)

K. Oszust, M. Frąc, A. Gryta, J. Lipiec

3. The influence of mulching, flavonoids and Nod factors on metabolic profile of soil microorganisms under pea. (K) (2013-2015)

A. Siczek, M. Frąc, J. Lipiec


* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. dr hab. Magdalena Frąc, prof. IA PAN – 8 months
  2. prof. dr hab. Jerzy Lipiec – 1 month
  3. dr Anna Siczek – 3 months
  4. mgr Agata Gryta

Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. prof. dr hab. Stefania Jezierska-Tys (1/2 time 01.12.2013-31.12.2014)
  2. mgr Karolina Oszust (from 01.05.2013)

PhD Students:

  1. mgr Natalia Kotowicz - SD


Research tasks realized in 2014 in frame of TOPIC 11 :



Head of Topic:
prof. dr hab. Wojciech SKIERUCHA

1. Quality assessment of liquid biomaterials on the base of their dielectric properties. (K) (2013-...)

W. Skierucha, A. Szypłowska, A. Nakonieczna, A. Wilczek, B. Paszkowski - SD, G. Solecki

2. The impact of soil electrical conductivity on the soil dielectric relaxation effects. (K) (2013-...)

A. Szypłowska, A. Wilczek, W. Skierucha, G. Solecki

3. The impact of electrical field of variable frequency on the metabolic potential of microorganizms in organic disposal. (N) (2014-...)

W. Skierucha, M. Frąc, A. Wilczek, A. Szypłowska, A. Nakonieczna, A. Gryta, M. Frąc

4. Prototype of the system for the measurement of the non-rainfall water volume on the soil surface. (N) (2014-...)

W. Skierucha, A. Wilczek, M. Kafarski


* tasks continued (K) from previous years

  new tasks (N) – started in 2014


Employees financed from Statutory Activity:

  1. dr hab. Wojciech Skierucha, prof. IA PAN
  2. dr Andrzej Wilczek
  3. mgr Grzegorz Solecki (in scientific project PBS)

Employees financed from Restructuring:

  1. dr Agnieszka Szypłowska (from 01.01.2013)
  2. dr Marcin Kafarski (1/2 time 01.12.2013-31.12.2014)

Employees financed in frame UE projects (civil law agreement):

  1. mgr Anna Nakonieczna

PhD Students:

  1. mgr Bartosz Paszkowski – DS


  1. dr hab. Magdalena Frąc, prof. IA PAN
  2. mgr Agata Gryta