Publications in year 1997

Vol. 11, Issue 4

Acoustic emission as a method for the detection of fractures in the plant tissue caused by the external forces*

International Agrophysics
Year : 1997
Volumen : 11
Issue : 3
Pages : 223 - 227
  PDF 208.17 KB
Authors: A. Zdunek1, K. Konstankiewicz2

1Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4,20-236 Lublin, Poland
2Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Doświadczalna 4,20-236 Lublin, Poland
Abstract :

Abstract. In order to detect fractures in the plant tissue resulting from deformations, the method of acoustic emission has been applied. Simultaneous measurements of the mechanical parameters and the acoustic emission signal show that the destruction of the cell structure begins at the lower deformation values than the ones at which there is a decrease in the stress level. The results obtained show that the method of measuring the acoustic emission signal allows for an early detection of plant tissue defects arising from the activity of extemal forces.

Keywords : acoustic emission, stress, strain, plant tissue
Language : English