Publications in year 2014

Vol. 28, Issue 4

Comparative non-linear regression - case of infiltration rate increase from upstream in valley

International Agrophysics
Year : 2014
DOI : 10.2478/intag-2014-0020
Volumen : 28
Issue : 3
Pages : 303 - 310
Authors: A. Keita1, H. Yacouba1, L. Hayde2, B. Schultz2

1Department of Hydraulics, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE), Ouagadougou, 01 BP 594 Ouaga 01, Burkina Faso
2Department of Water Science and Engineering, International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (UNESCO-IHE- Institute for Water Education), Delft, PO Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, the Netherlands
Abstract :

In Tropical Savannah flooded valley soils, very low infiltration rates often result in acidic conditions favourable to high concentrations of metallic ions, toxic for rice. Determination of the under-phreatic infiltration rate is important in drainage design to reclaim degraded soils. Several studies have addressed the mapping of the infiltration rate. Yet, its relationship with the toposequence of the valley is not clarified. This paper has investigated such a possibility, examining the case of the irrigated rice valley of Tiefora, Burkina Faso. Nine boreholes – from 1 to 5 m deep – were implemented from upstream to downstream. The Lefranc permeability test of the under-phreatic level in waterlogged soils – used when the impervious layer is close to soil surface or absent – was conducted. First, a comparative regression was applied to the data, including all the parameters of the regression curves. In the case of dissimilarity of the infiltration processes, the comparison focused on the final permeability. The results show a permeability increase from upstream (0.10±0.10 cm h-1) to downstream (greater than 20±10 cm h-1 in some places). Taking into account such a permeability increase in the subsurface drainage system design would result in  implementation of more efficient and cost effective systems.

Keywords : drainage, Lefranc test, regression, one-phasedecay, permeability, Savannah
Language : English