Publications in year 1994

Vol. 8, Issue 4

Mathematical modelling of air flow through wheat grain layer

International Agrophysics
Year : 1994
Volumen : 8
Issue : 2
Pages : 169 - 175
  PDF 326.51 KB
Authors: M. Babić1, M. Tesić1, M. Martinov1, L. Babić1

1Institute of Agricultural Engineering, University of Novi Sad Trg D. Obradovića 8,21121 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Abstract :

Abstract. Geometrical properties of wheat kernel depend of wheat varieties. Size and shape are the characteristics usually expressed in dimensions and sphericity factor. Kernel moisture content has an in­fluence both on dimension and sphericity. Starting from these hypotheses, the influence of different varieties and moisture contents on properties of steady-state and fluidized layer have been examined. The measurements were performed with the originally experimental apparatus with sufficient number of repeatings. Three characteristically wheat varieties were chosen and were investigated in four moisture content levels. The data were processed by adequate programmes and equations were provided which related wheat grain layer resistance and basic physical properties. The equitation of Shedd,
Δp/h=A vBtype is most adequate for practice use. It is also convenient for steady-state of grain layer. The equitation of Ergun and Orning type can be acceptable as a sufficient one for fluidization layer. The constants in this formula are de­pendent of basic physical wheat kernel properties. These constants are different for different varieties and different grain moisture.

Keywords : wheat grain,air flow, mathematical modelling
Language : English