Szarlip P., Jaromin-Gleń K., Stelmach W., Kozieł W., Bieganowski A., Błachowicz A., Łagód G.:
Efficiency of removal of some physical and chemical pollution in SBR (2013 r.)
International Symposium "Ecohydrology, Biotechnology and Engineering: Towards the harmony between biogeosphere and society on the basis of long term ecosystem research”, Łódź, 16-22.09.2013 r.
Błachowicz A., Jaromin-Gleń K., Szarlip P., Kozieł W., Stelmach W.:
Biotechnological methods as mean to determine microbial contamination in drinking water (2013 r.)
International Symposium "Ecohydrology, Biotechnology and Engineering: Towards the harmony between biogeosphere and society on the basis of long term ecosystem research”, Łódź, 16-22.09.2013 r.
Kozieł W., Szarlip P., Walkiewicz A., Błachowicz A., Stelmach W., Jaromin-Gleń K., Bulak P.:
Physiological properties and application of sodium alginate microcapsules (2013 r.)
International Symposium "Ecohydrology, Biotechnology and Engineering: Towards the harmony between biogeosphere and society on the basis of long term ecosystem research”, Łódź, 16-22.09.2013 r.